// SAVE THE DATE // Novembre Expérimental #5 LA JOUISSANCE-CINÉMA

// SAVE THE DATE // Novembre Expérimental #5 LA JOUISSANCE-CINÉMA

50 years of ParisFilmsCoop
From November 20 to 30, Novembre Expérimental #5 will revisit the origins and films of the Paris Films Coop, founded in 1974.
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Cinédoc with La Clef Revival

Cinédoc with La Clef Revival

Two films by Maya Deren from Cinédoc's collection will be screened in 16mm at La Clef re-opening, on Sunday June 30 at 9pm.
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Refle-x-périmental with the Festival du Film de Fesses

Refle-x-périmental with the Festival du Film de Fesses

Eros, Thanatos : cinéma expérimental à fleur de poil
On Sunday June 30, the Refle-x-périmental ciné-club is pleased to join the Festival du Film de Fesses for the last meeting of the season.
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